Preparing for Surgery

Prescriptions: Bring all prescribed medications with you on your surgery day.
Topical Ointment: This is a wound dressing that will protect your skin as it heals.
StrataMed: Incision Care
StrataCel: Post-Procedure Skin Repair
Surgery Healing Bundle: A curated kit with nutritional and topical supplements that aid, expedite, and promote a healthy healing journey. Your body is under stress after a procedure and we highly recommend this for a holistic recovery.
Tylenol (Acetaminophen): Alternative to narcotic pain medication if pain is not severe. Do NOT take NSAIDS (Ibuprofen, Motrin, Naproxen) as these may worsen bruising and prolong healing. If you are prescribed pain medications, do NOT take Tylenol additionally.
Crushed ice/frozen peas in plastic bags: Apply to the surgical site for 15 minutes every hour you are awake for the first 3 days following surgery.
Artificial Tear lubricating eye drops: Use if your eyes feel dry after your procedure. Place one drop in each eye 4 times a day as needed.
Stool Softener: Helps with constipation associated with narcotic pain relievers you may receive.
Hydrogen Peroxide and Q-Tips: Use for cleaning incisions when needed.
Set Up Home Recovery Area: This may include pillows, blankets, books, television, prepared meals, and anything else to assist with a comfortable recovery.
Dress Comfortably: Dress in comfortable, clean, and loose-fitting clothes. Shirts that can be buttoned or zipped up are preferred.
Please bring a large, cozy blanket if your surgery is in the office. Do not wear any makeup, jewelry, cosmetic creams, hair products, sunscreen, and remove all piercings.
Arrive the day of the procedure with a clean face. Shower the night before or morning of surgery and wash your hair. This will help reduce the risk of infection by eliminating bacteria.
Do not wear contact lenses. Remember to bring your glasses to sign necessary paperwork.
You will need a driver to drive you home after your surgery. Arrive at the predesignated time and remember to bring a form of identification. We will collect your driver’s contact information upon arrival and notify them prior to surgery completion. Your driver will not be able to stay in the office during your surgery.